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Waking Morning in Burlington

Burlington Waterfront

The anticipation of inhaling crisp air at the waterfront circles around me as I cruise through Church Street, stopping to let locals cross College Street in the waking hours of the morning. Cups of fresh local artisan coffee fill up their hands, welcoming a new day in the city. Soon, I will have mine too. Lake Champlain greets my eye at the top of Church Street, offering a slight glimpse of her beauty. Rows of authentic local shops and eateries line the street. Welcoming decorative signs sit in front of grand storefront windows, embracing the power of a small community placed within the city. As I move closer to my destination, pops of color emerge from the ground next to an elegant brick apartment building. Two empty cast iron chairs observe a glorious flower garden from a second floor balcony. I think to myself how wonderful it must be to occupy their space and watch the flowers dance to the rays of sunshine beaming upon them throughout the day. My mind then wanders to what the day will turn out to be.

I find myself arriving at the waterfront. Then I go where my observation deck takes me. My skateboard flows under me as I push past peddling bikers, moms walking with children, and happy dogs on the legendary Burlington bike path. A cool lake breeze lightly drifts through my hair. I keep pushing against the asphalt. Event workers fall to the left of me, either constructing or dismantling magnificent white tents on the green from ongoing festivals Burlington lives and breathes off of. Refueling their souls with local brews, chill music, and good vibes is what I find keeps locals alive and one. Shimmering calm water falls to the right of me on the harbor side. Millions of individual radiances of the sun’s reflection on the water is what I believe feeds the positivity found in this city. Unlike an unbearable beating hot summer day, the sun pours its light in a soft manner for those to feel from the ground. Harboring the light myself, I can feel a sense of deep gratitude. How magical is it to be alive?

I gaze over my shoulder and lift my eyes to the skyline. Hues of celestial and royal blues surface from the water in the distance. The mountains look like waves to me. Arching across the landscape in their own pattern, they become a muse to a curious eye. Frothy white clouds fall in between their summits, filling the blank space in the sky. Resting sailboats in the harbor come into view as I steadily move along the bike path. I ride beneath the green tree tops blocking the sky above me, I begin coming to the end of my morning commute.

I appear at one of my favorite spots moments later, the local crêpery. The outdoor patio invited me to sit and relax for a moment before hopping into the long line of hungry customers awaiting their morning breakfast. I join them, patiently waiting outside for my coffee and delightful crêpe. I think to myself what a wonderful morning it has turned out to be, and the rest of my day in Burlington still lies ahead.

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